We are an eco-committed company. Discover our actions and commitments to participate in the sustainability of our sector.
Since its first hours, KULILE has chosen to reflect on its impact on the environment . While the world is experiencing an unprecedented environmental crisis, and the ecological emergency dimension is deeply embedded in consumer behavior, we wanted to take a concrete part in the subject by participating in the acceleration of the ecological transition of the sector. furniture .
Here you will find our commitments to reduce our environmental impact as much as possible throughout our activity.
You can also discover our philosophy and our approach to sustainable furniture here.
Our furniture is 100% FSC certified
Our furniture is made of wood. It is a natural material, but that was not enough for us to consider ourselves a " creator of sustainable furniture ". We have made a point of sourcing wood from sustainably and responsibly managed forests . Thus, we turned to the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council®) label.
It is a very demanding label which guarantees that the wood we use complies with sustainable forest management procedures. Beyond forest management alone, the FSC label is also mobilized against environmental degradation , in terms of biodiversity and landscapes , but also against the social upheaval that can be caused by poor forest management.
Our FSC label guarantees that our furniture is made with wood from legal, sustainably managed forestry . It assures you that our creations are not linked to deforestation and that the wood we use for our furniture does not harm biodiversity . Finally, the FSC label certifies that our wood does not come from forests of genetically modified trees or that it has not been harvested in violation of the traditional or civil rights of the populations. In short, this label proves to you that we are an eco-responsible furniture designer .
Nous produisons 100% de nos meubles au Portugal en utilisant des énergies renouvelables.
Le Portugal est un pays à faible émission carbone. En effet, le pays produit plus de 80% de son électricité à partir de sources renouvelables: énergie éolienne, solaire, hydraulique et biomasse.
La production d'énergie solaire et éolienne représente 50% de la production totale d’énergie.
Par ailleurs, notre usine est équipée de panneaux solaires. La moitié de l’énergie utilisée pour la production de nos meubles est créée à partir des propres panneaux solaires de l’usine.
Nos meubles sont évalués par l'organisme indépendant Eco-Impact
Eco Impact ™ évalue de manière indépendante les produits à partir d’une méthodologie prenant en compte l’ensemble des étapes du cycle de vie et en intégrant des critères qualitatifs exigeants (durabilité, réparabilité...).
Les critères environnementaux, mais aussi sociaux, sont définis de manière à ce que la note finale soit la plus juste et la plus représentative de l’impact du meuble.
Ainsi l’impact du meuble est calculé le plus précisément possible, et ce à chaque étape de sa vie, à travers les critères suivants :
- Matière première : Cet indicateur évalue l’impact environnemental lié à l’extraction et la transformation des matières premières en un produit fini
- Transport : Cet indicateur permet au consommateur d’évaluer l’impact lié au transport, et donc globalement le caractère local ou non du produit.
- Durable & Recyclable : Cet indicateur met en lumière les produits modulables, réparables et/ou pour lesquels la fin de vie est anticipée
- Conditions de travail : Les impacts sociaux liés à la politique de l’entreprise et de ses sous-traitants est ici évaluée.
We are committed to a circular economy model
By giving a second life to all our products.
Thanks to our partnership with SMARTBACK , our furniture is upgraded and thus lives longer!
It's simple, whether you choose to change KULILE furniture after many years of good and loyal service, or whether you decide to withdraw following your purchase, our partner selects the optimal second life according to the condition of the furniture.
Indeed, as soon as a customer returns a product that is no longer in its original packaging or that has a slight defect, we can no longer put it back in stock. Bringing it back to our warehouses is very expensive and often useless since it will not be sold. It's a waste !
We have therefore chosen Smartback to organize the best second life of our products. With each return, depending on their condition and location, KULILE furniture is resold, repaired, donated to associations, upcycled or recycled, all near you.
It is our partner who organizes the return of the furniture to your home and according to your availability: you have nothing to do.
Thus, the loop of the life cycle of our product is complete!